Mission and values
Mission and values
Our mission is production of exceptionally natural, safe, organic food for healthy nutrition, providing consumers with the highest quality products.
The Fundamental Principle of Food Art company is consumer orientation, maximum consumer demand response, including all ages, material wealth and social classes, provision of consumers with high quality, safe and healthy nutrition products.
Our corporate values
Our corporate values determine the culture of our company and the method of our activity management. Our values motivate the behavior of employees, both inside and outside the company. They bond people together irrespective of their culture, place of living and educational background. Honoring these values we ensure mutual respect among Food Art employees and the well-coordinated work.
Sustainable development packaging
Наша долгосрочная цель – производить все свои упаковочные материалы на 100 процентов из возобновляемых источников без ущерба для их безопасности, качества и функциональности. Наша упаковка более чем на 70% состоит из бумаги, а это значит, мы продолжаем уделять пристальное внимание вопросу использования экологической упаковки.